It's hard to believe my baby is six months old now. It feels like it was only a short while ago that I was pregnant yet somehow he's already six months old. He is a BIG six month old too. Unlike Kristen who was a peanut her entire first year, Timmy is HUGE. Kristen calls him Timmy Big. He had his 6 month appointment and weighed in at 20 pounds 12 ounces. This put him in the 85th-90th percentile for weight, which is pretty big. But his length, oh boy do we have a big one. He was 29 inches long. The doctor said he was off the charts, way off the charts. It's just such a huge change from Kristen as a baby that I can't help but marvel about how big and healthy my boy is. He actually weighs more now than Kristen did at 12 months!
Here is a picture of my big boy on his half birthday.

Napping in his crib, this is a big deal, trust me.

Last week we also enjoyed a visit from Grandma Robin. Kristen was thrilled to spend some quality time with her out of town Grandma and Timmy just soaked up the love. Have I mentioned Timmy is a big cuddlebug, he loves to cuddle. Mike and I weren't very good about taking pictures during her visit, but we did get a few taken just a few hours before we had to drop her off at the airport to go home. We love you Grandma Robin, thank you for coming to visit!
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