I'm sorry for the lack of updates lately, it has been very busy in the Cole household. We are selling our house so we have been super busy getting it ready to be put on the market. Fortunately, we are mostly there and now it's just a matter of somehow maintaining it with a toddler and baby in the house.
The babies are doing great. Kristen is busy learning her colors and counting now that she has the alphabet down. She's also very busy playing, coloring, singing, dancing, and watching Elmo. Timmy is five months old now! Where has the time gone? He is almost sitting up on his own. He has a great sense of humor and laughs at his sisters antics. He is also finally getting better at sleeping (we hope). For three nights in a row he has slept 6 hours before waking and then has gone back down easily. This is a HUGE improvement over his sleep patterns before. We have yet to experience sleeping through the night, but we hold out hope it's coming soon.
Here is Kristen creating a Valentine's card for her buddy David.

A picture of the inside of the card

As you can see making Valentine's cards is a blast

While organizing my closet to get the house ready I came across my veil. Kristen loved wearing it. Please excuse the not very good pictures, I only stopped long enough to snap a few and none of them turned out that well.

Here she is admiring herself in the mirror
Kristen loves to sing Ram Sam Sam and do the hand motions that go along with it. Here she is showing Timmy how to do it. She loves to play with him.