On Sunday December 28th we celebrated Timothy's baptism. My sister had a baby on Thanksgiving, so we were able to have an extra special celebration and have our two babies baptized at the same time. The baptism was done at Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church in Maricopa, AZ, the home parish of my sister's family. It was a wonderful day and we were blessed to be able to celebrate with our family and friends.
Timothy's godparents are Sean and Kara Davis. They have been some of my closest friends since our days at ASU together. Unfortunately, Kara was unable to be at the baptism in person. My brother Peter offered to stand in as a proxy at the last minute.
Here is Timmy trying on his baptismal outfit. He was too big to wear the first three we tried! We tried out the two outfits my brothers had worn as well as the one worn by my BIL and nephew. Fortunately, my friend Tiffany loaned us this beautiful suit. She had a big baby boy too so it fit Timothy perfectly.

Here are Michael, Karen, Sean (the godfather), Timothy, and Peter (godmother proxy) waiting for the baptism to begin.

Stephen (Bridget's godfather), Susan (Bridget's godmother), Bridget, Lynn and Michael.

Kristen was so good and waited patiently with her Grandma.

What a handsome boy!

Timmy's beautiful cousin Bridget

The two sisters, Karen and Lynn, with their babies.

My mom started the tradition of baking this stand up lamb cake for each of her children's baptisms. My sister and I have carried on this tradition and this cake has been made for all of our children as well. I made the cake for this celebration. I obviously haven't mastered the eyes, but overall I was pretty satisfied with it.

We also had a huge Costco cake just to make sure there was enough cake for everyone. The cake reads "God Bless Timothy James and Bridget Anne".