The past week has been pretty uneventful. We stayed close to home except for one trip to the zoo with our friend Tiffany and her 1 year old David. Unfortunately, I don't have any zoo pictures to share.
Timothy has been busy growing. He is now is size 3-6 month clothes. It's so hard to believe that he is growing that quickly. Kristen had a bit of a rough week as she had four teeth come in at the same time.
The weather has been gorgeous this past week. The hot weather is finally gone and our highs are now in the 70s or low 80s. We decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather and go to the playground.
Here are Michael, Timothy and Kristen on the way to the playground.

Kristen having fun in her car!
Kristen getting ready to go down the big blue slide.
Going down!
Timmy hung out in Daddy's arms while Kristen and Mommy played.
And then Mommy and Kristen moved to the swing.

Kristen wanted to sit in the big girl swing on her own.